Vomit in A 1オクターヴ


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このエクササイズの元は偉大な演奏家ゲイリーカーのエクササイズの一部を利用したものです。本人オリジナルはこちら→Gary karr Vomit Exercise Lesson Excerpt



今回の第一目的 腕の重さを指板に伝える事

今回の第二目的 シフティングの技術

今回の第三目的 指の入れ替え





 *Gary karrのテクニックは簡単には伝えられません。
本気で彼のVomit エクササイズを知りたい方は、Gary Karrのオリジナル動画を研究する、







 (参考)アレンジVomit解説ページ(英語) Discover Double Bass

“Vomit” exercise

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 MORE ABOUT THE FORMATS →  You will jump to the linked page.


This exercise is taken from a part of an exercise by Gary Karr, the great musician.

You can find the original here→Gary Karr Vomit Exercise Lesson Excerpt.

(The original is designed for bowing skills).


AIM 1: To learn to put the weight of your arm on to the fingerboard.

AIM 2: To acquire shifting skills.

AIM 3: To learn the switching of the fingers.


Play with glissando.

The fingers used for each notes ( lower note, upper note) are to be changed like this → (1,1), (1, 2), (1,3), (1,4), etc.


 *There is no shortcut for achieving Gary Karr’s technique. Anyone who wishes to really work on his Vomit Exercises should study Gary Karr’s original videos thoroughly, or learn directly from someone who received his lessons.



🟢Tutorial for exercise “My way of Vomit exercise”🟢


Execution model for Simandl etudes↓

🟢Hayashi Double Bass.Base.Music.Class YouTube Channel🟢


 (For references) Guidance page for the arranged version of Vomit Exercise (in English); 

 Discover Double Bass

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